A Few Glimpses of Yesterday's Club Plant Distribution (May 21st)
Thirty members attended a well organized and efficient club plant distribution day. Our auctioneer for the day and club president, Darrin Lett, conducted a professional auction that was enjoyed and appreciated by the members. Helpers were Shelly Lett, Heather Harroun, Keith Riewerts and Barb Papenhausen. Judy Raub handed out paddles for bidding. Club plants were distributed by the lottery system run by Barb. This was followed by the auction of daylilies and then the auction of iris. It was a good day, all finished before 11:30 am. Many thanks to Nancy Rash for this meeting report and photos. There was no formal meeting, so no minutes were recorded.
Darrin Lett conducting the meeting, assisted by Heather Harroun, Shelly Lett and Barb Papenhausen |
Club Iris Plants |
Club Daylily Plants being distributed by Nancy Carlisle |
Who's next up? |
Shall we get this one or that one? |
Here's a photo from Keith Riewerts showing the view from the front of all the action:
2022 Club Iris
Our thanks should also go to LeAnn Pisarik, Shelly Lett and Diann Davelka for securing club iris plants. Click on the list and the Powerpoint for more information.
Updated Version of "By Hybridizer" Listing (May 20th)
Heather has kindly provided an updated version of the "By Hybridizer" listing of the 2022 Club Plants. Please click here for this list in pdf format.
2022 Club Plant Distribution and Live Auction
Our 2022 Club Plant Distribution and Live Auction will take place on Saturday, May 21st, at the Floral Hall, Muscatine County Fairgrounds in West Liberty. Darrin will arrive at 8 a.m. to help set up along with anybody else who can be there that early. The distribution will begin at approximately 9 a.m.
Please check your Monday May 16th emails for one from Heather Harroun. In it, she says: "Hello all, here are the final additions and deletions for the club plant list. The PDF is just the changes. The Excel file has three tabs. One complete listing by Hybridizer, one complete listing by Cultivar, and one listing of just the changes."
For a photographic overview of the entire collection of 2022 Club Plants, please click here. Our thanks go to Barb and Bob Papenhausen for selecting and purchasing these plants and to Heather Harroun for providing the lists and Powerpoint presentations. Lots of work behind the scenes on our behalf!